Start Skype and choose Tools→Options→Calls→Voicemail from the main menu. As a result, you don't have to worry about missing calls when you turn off your computer.īefore you can use Skype Voicemail, you have to start your setup and record the Voicemail greeting that your callers will hear: One convenient benefit of setting up Skype Voicemail is that your audio messages - both your greeting and the incoming messages people leave you - are not stored on your computer but instead are stored remotely on Skype's central servers. Skype supports an easy-to-set up voicemail system. Click on the Tools menu and choose Audio Settings. With Skype's simple sound tester, you can make sure you are loud enough and that you will be able to hear the caller on the other end. Try these Skype tips: Use Skype's Sound Tester to Change Volume Settings. On the Route page, use either of the following methods to modify a voice route: Click a voice route name, click Edit, and then click Show details. In the left navigation bar, click Voice Routing, and then click Route.

Open Skype for Business Server Control Panel.